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Getting started

Logging in#

First, you need a Discord bot account. You can create one at the Discord developer portal. If you aren't sure how to do that, look up a tutorial for that.

When you installed Discarpet and start your server, it should create a discarpet.json file in the config folder of the server (Yes, this mod is made for servers, I never tried using it in singleplayer, it may work, it may not).

The file should look like this by default:

  "bots": [
      "bot_id": "Your bot ID",
      "bot_token": "Your bot token",
      "intents": []
  "disable_reconnect_logs": false

To add your bot to the game, copy and paste your Bot token from the Developer portal into the "Your Bot Token" field. The "bot_id" is an arbitrary name used to identify your bot in scarpet later. This doesn't need to be what you called it in the developer portal, it's just an arbitrary name. In the intents list, you can add additional intents for your bot. For more info, see the section about intents.

Now your config should look something like this:

  "bots": [
      "bot_id": "coolbot",
      "bot_token": "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456789",
      "intents": []
  "disable_reconnect_logs": false

Now, you can use the in-game command /discarpet reload to reload all the bots, and start new ones if you added one to the config. This command will tell you whether the bots could be logged in or not.

When the login was successful, you can use /discarpet getInvite [bot id] to get a link in chat, which upon click, will take you directly to the webpage where you can add the bot to any discord server you have admin permission in.

Making a script#

Now it's time to create your bot scarpet script!

If you have never used scarpet before, it's recommended to first get familiar with the scarpet language.

Since Discarpet supports multiple bots at the same time, you need to specify which bot you want to use in your script. This is done by specifying a 'bot' to the config line, like this:

The 'bot_id' is the id you specified in the config. Without a valid bot specified, most discarpet functions will not work and will throw an error.

Multiple bots#

To have multiple bots running on your server, just add them to the config file like this:

  "bots": [
      "bot_id": "bot1",
      "bot_token": "token1",
      "intents": []
      "bot_id": "bot2",
      "bot_token": "token2",
      "intents": [
      "bot_id": "third_bot",
      "bot_token": "token for third bot",
      "intents": []
  "disable_reconnect_logs": false

Keep in mind that each script can only have one bot. Each script will only receive events from that one specified bot, and when getting values from ids, the value will have the context of the bot of the script. That would mean that if you pass a message value from an event to another script, and add a reaction there, the user of the reaction will still be from the script where the event happened. Only if you query values from ids, the bot from the config will be applied.


In the config file, you can enable privileged intents for your bot. By default, all non-privileged intents are enabled. The only privileged intents that are disabled by default are:


If you add these intents to the intents list in your bot config, you will also need to enable them in the Discord developer portal under Applications -> [Your bot] -> Bot -> Privileged Gateway Intents.

Disabling log messages#

If you run Discarpet for a while, you might notice messages that look like this:

[ReadingThread/INFO]: Websocket closed with reason 'Discord commanded a reconnect (Received opcode 7)' and code COMMANDED_RECONNECT (4999) by client!
[ReadingThread/INFO]: Trying to reconnect/resume in 1 seconds!

To disable those messages, you can set the disable_reconnect_logs config option to true