

A Discord message which has been sent. Main use is in __on_discord_message event


Property Type Description
content String Get the content (text) of the message, not that things like emojis, mentions or channels will appear as their id. For the readable content, see below.
readable_content String Get the content and replace all emojis, mentions, channels with their readable representation. Note that if a user is not cached, mentions to him may not get parsed.
id String Get the id of the message
channel Channel Get the channel this message is inside
user User Get the user that wrote this message. Note that this may fail (and return null) if the user is not cached, but if queried after the __on_discord_message event, it should be fine
webhook_id Number The webhook id if this message was sent from a webhook
server Server Get the server this message was written in
delete boolean This is not actually a query, but it removes the message. Returns false if the bot does not have permission to delete the message, otherwise false
nonce String The nonce of this message
attachments List of Attachments A list of attachments on this message
sticker_ids List of Numbers List of sticker ids in this message
referenced_message Message The message that is the reply message, or source of crosspost, channel follow add, or pin
type String The message type
link String Url linking to the message
flags List of Strings Flags of this message
creation_timestamp Number Unix timestamp since message creation
edit_timestamp Number Unix timestamp since the message was last edited
position Number Position of the message